i am still waiting for the busy, productive part to begin. the rain that started late last night has stopped temporarily but more is predicted. i did manage to walk to Walgreens for a few things needed to finish my "christmas" project. on the way i met Patti and Wyatt. it is going on 11am and i haven't even eaten breakfast yet. it is almost time for a nap. but, i will probably do that after going to the post office . . . if i make it there. the first if will be if i finish my christmas cards. no gym this morning as i am still sore from yesterday's workout and long no plan walk.

it is about time for a christmas video . i am sure you will be humming this all day. and who doesn't love two cute singing dancing hip-hopping christmas trees.
ok, it is not your typical holiday song but it is fun and once again, it does have two cute singing, dancing christmas trees. and they do mention the most important part of christmas . . . the shopping and the presents. and strawberry chips. the first time i heard this song was in a tv commercial in Japan and those few seconds stuck in my head. it is on my "workout" soundtrack at the gym. sidenote, i saw Halcali live at Banpaku Kinen Koen (Expo Park) a couple of years ago but no strawberry chips song and/or dance.