the sun returned to the south bay today. my nose stopped running and my fever went down . . . perhaps i am solar powered. and speaking of solar power, i met (very briefly met) two very interesting (after reading about them on their webpage) adventurous people this morning on my way to the gym. they were on bicycles and heading south on PCH (Pacific Coast Highway). i thought maybe they were riding to Mexico. well, they were heading south but their goal was a little further away, a little more east, and a little more south. did i hear Miami? pinpon! please take a moment to look up their webpage called Solar Cycle Diaries. and give them the right of way if you happen to come across them, cheers. i need to do another adventure. my bike ride down to Mexico was in 1999. and i did have two smaller rides in Japan in 2003 and 2005. of course, my biggest ride was in 1992 for about a month in Japan. good times. i would like to imagine but cannot imagine the bike ride they are on. i hope they will have safe travels . . .さいごまで。Brilliant!
here is one more photo from yesterday's Laundry Room on a Rainy Day series:

and one today reflecting yesterday's "storm watch 2009"

and this one is the last one i took before remembering i forgot my water bottle for the gym. hard but not so hard to believe that i forgot something because after returning to my apartment to get my water bottle, i left my camera at home. and why is that of note? because, i was not able to get a photo of the two amazing bike riders. and also, because i never go anywhere without at least one camera.

after returning from the gym i went to check the mail (with my camera) i noticed this little scene of fallen leaves on the shadow of a tree.

it has been a week since i returned from Japan. here are a few holiday photos i found today.
nothing says Christmas like a gorilla