no, that's not me in the photo but i did finally make it to the post office today. and if you really want to know, i went twice. they say "timing is everything", well the first time i went to the post office, i had to wait about 40 minutes to mail some christmas things. unfortunately one of the boxes i was using was for "priority mail" and it would cost $10 extra to send it. Erwin, the nice postal clerk, tried to find another box to put it in but he didn't have the right size. no problem, i would come back tomorrow. at home, i found the right size box so i walked back about 10 minutes before the post office closed. this time it only took 5 minutes. good timing. one more full day at home. what to do, what to do? when to fly out, when to fly out?

Manhattan Beach Santa skier. the true meaning of christmas in southern california.

can you see the snow on the mountains? i took this photo on my second walk to the post office.

the wrong box. ok, someone knows they are getting something in the mail.