i was listening to this song on the way back from the gym today on the bus. and on my walk to the beach. recently i was reminded of the song, "yellow" while looking up at the beautiful icho
(gingko) trees around Minoo. it was the first song i remembering from the band Coldpay about 10 years ago. i remember the music video was simple with lead singer Chris Martin walking by the beach in what looks to be winter. it was simple but memorable and has always been one of my favorites. so i was very happy to see most of their concert from earlier this year in Japan on youtube. there are not many bands i have a great desire to see "live" in such a venue but after seeing them on youtube with my headphones on (as it is just about midnite), i would love to see Coldplay" live one day. and of course, Oda Kazumasa and Kobukuro again. if you have some headphones, plug them into your computer and turn up the volume and listen to such songs as "yellow", "in my place", "viva la vida", "the scientist". here is "fix you".

ps. by the way Monk ended happily ever after. there is a good song at the end by Randy Newman, "when i am gone". remember when i almost got into some trouble at work because of Monk a couple of years ago. good times. goodbye Monk.