Monday, February 28, 2011


enjoying the wait

waiting on the 232

closer to home

1032pm update . . . home, finally. i could have been in Japan or even Australia from the time i finished my trip this morning until walking in my front door. shikata ga nai. now i am officially on vacation although i have been told recently my life is a vacation.

530pm update. the 4 o'clock flight is leaving at 530p so i have decided to go on the 6pm flight
and should be home by 1030p. hopefully.

s t ill here. and here is PHL. decided not to sit on the jumpseat on the very full earlier flight for the long commute home. hopefully the 4pm flight will have an aisle seat with my name on it. if not, i will wait for the 6pm flight. more later with photos when (and if) i return home. and because of not taking an earlier flight i met a co-worker who is actually a professional photographer. i will check out her webpage when i get home.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


an early start to sunday but it was worth it . . . toes in the sand on Ft. Lauderdale beach in the afternoon. temperature was a perfect 78f. and it has cooled down to a comfortable 74f at 7pm. time for a little dinner and then bed as it will be a 415am wake-up call and the start to a short work day but possibly a long day getting back home. there will be some good photos from today's beach walk including some of some huge cruise ships heading out to sea and some . . . Portuguese man 'o war.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


long day over. short walk in downtown Charlotte, and then to and from Cancun, ending with a short fllight to Atlanta. tomorrow will e easier fr sure.

Friday, February 25, 2011


all was going well until we were leaving Montego Bay . . . now that sounds like a good first sentence for my first novel . . .
8pm and all is back on schedule. time to find something to eat here in downtown Charlotte. hopefully all will go better on the way to and from Cancun ending up in Atlanta tomorrow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


here today (still) but gone tomorrow (very early). for those keeping score . . . CLT-ATL-FLL. if all goes as scheduled, i will be done in PHL around 9am on monday. from there, from then, i am not sure where i am going but i will be off until late in April.

44f degrees at 230p. time to go for a walk.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


still here. still winter here in Chester. and winter and i will still be here tomorrow. i did go for a short walk this morning. let's just say i am glad it wasn't windy as 25f would have felt a lot colder.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


sunny, clear and a little cool here in Las Vegas. and cool is 4 degrees at 8am . . . 4 degrees celsius, about 40 fahrenheit. time to go for a walk . . . 40 degrees different than yesterday poolside in Orlando.

nice little walk to the Bellagio and to the Miracle Mile Shops before rushing back to Terrible's. tonite back to Philly with yesterday's "interesting" crew. and then to my home away from home in Chester.

Monday, February 21, 2011


looks like it might be a nice day to lay by the pool here in the land of Mickey. lots of sunshine and warm breezes. and then tonite if it is not too late, i may try to find some live music in the land of Lady Luck.

230pm update.
Peabody ducks and orchids. i think i got a few good photos but if i am ever here at 5pm, i woud like to see them waddling on the red carpet to the elevator . . . the ducks not the orchds.
and my first swim of the year. as not expected, a liitle cool but warmer once you swim awhile. time to get ready to leave MCO for CLT and then out to LAS.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


i only had time for a short walk this morning but here is one photo before i turn off the computer and get ready to meet my crew down at the PV Inn. thanks Christine for the ride to the hotel.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


memories of 1994 . . . Montreal and Paris . . . thanks to Sharon

c a l l a l i l y r a i n s o f t l y f a l l i n g

noon-ish at LAX (and why was the police car parked in the middle lane? and where was the policeman?)

before landing in LA

this morning's moon over PHL

yesterday before the approaching storm and before leaving for the east coast

h o m e a g a i n. rain again. it took almost over 6 hours to return to LA from Philly. we could have been landing in Ireland in the same time it took to get across the USA.

Friday, February 18, 2011


all went as planned today. so if you know what the plan was, you know where i am . . . and where i will be tomorrow. i still haven't figured out how to add photos to my blog from my iPad but if all goes as planned . . . i will be home tomorrow. happy birthday to LUVCO. it was good seeing you last week.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


a wee bit of my last day in LA before returning to work tomorrow (or shall i say before returning to the east coast before my trip on saturday)(but)(i return to LA on saturday for the first day of my 4-day trip)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


tonite's moon

m o r e (or less) from T E X A S