Tuesday, November 30, 2010


541am (aka 241am) waiting on Ramada van
644am (aka 344am) looking east
716am (aka 416am) looking west
1116am Chris driving away
1136am home and still blooming

ただいま。home again. thanks today to my old friend Chris, a nice crew and an especially nice Captain and "A" last night.

here are few images taken while i was away from my little home in the south bay. can you guess where i was?

Monday, November 29, 2010



Sunday, November 28, 2010



Saturday, November 27, 2010



Friday, November 26, 2010


Paradise & Flamingo

Thursday, November 25, 2010


t h a n k y o u

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


and we're back again.

around 630am. one hour before scheduled departure. one and half hours before actual take-off . . . and about 8 hours before landing back in LA. you do the math on the flight time.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


flying east

Monday, November 22, 2010


hibiscus d r o ps

jogging towards the moon (with the sunrise at my back)

asahi tanpopo (morning sun dandelion)

sunrise and moonset (in same photo)

moon stuck in a tree

the coldest morning so far this autumn around 630am. i couldn't find my mittens for my morning jog but i did wear my old Canada sweatshirt . . . and shorts.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


tonite's pool moon, i mean full moon

images from my last sunday walk before


it was raining heavily in the predawn hours. and very cloudy and maybe even a little drizzle when i left for my last sunday walk around 7am. it was quite cool with the wind blowing in from the ocean when i arrived at the beach. i enjoyed this change, change in weather, change in scenery (from my apartment). my favorite seagulls (i think of Groucho Marx when i see them) which i have now learned are called terns (possibly Royal terns) were also enjoying the beach sitting side-by-side by the regular seagulls as i sat quietly with camera in hand off to their right. there were very few people at the beach at 8am, maybe a jogger or two and a beachcomber or two. on my walk back home, the stormy-looking threatening clouds were becoming more friendly. all the photos above are from today starting with storm clouds, and then blue sky, sunshine, and ending with a pool full moon.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


i m a g e s from a r a i n y saturday
O - t s u k i s a m a

m o o n s t a r

p a s s i o n

i r i s

m u s t a n g

c r o w

l e a f

d a n d e l i o n

f r o n d

W y a t t

c a t

o r a n g e

t a n p o p o

t s u y u k u s a

s u n s t a r

n a n d i n a

h i b i s c u s

d a n d e p o p o

p u r p l e

f a l l

c a l l a

c o s m o s