one of the few photos i took today.
since i will probably be leaving for the east coast tomorrow and because i stayed up way too late the last two nights and got up way too early and needed to catch up from my month in Japan, i did not stray too far from the Carioca Gardens. i did get a few things accomplised like listening to some music, watching the new Kobukuro dvd (birthday present from Noriko), paying a few bills, writing a few emails and that is always a good thing but no walk to the beach, no swim in the ocean, no workout at the gym ... maybe tomorrow before catching the bus to the airport for my afternoon flight. and i think i only took a couple of photos today. here are a few beautiful sunny day images from one of my last days in Japan.

koinobori no sora

koinobori no kage

did i mention there was a lot of soccer fans last sunday? oh did i say "soccer", i meant sakura (cherry blossoms). this is the pathway that passes in front of the Zohekyoku (Mint Bureau). they open up their gates for about a week for the hundreds of thousands of cherry blossom fans. we are actually moving very slowly along a pathway in between many many different kinds of cherry blossoms. there are "keibi" (security guards) with megaphones telling us to walk slowly and . . . please refrain from taking photos. for a dear friend of mine, it was her first (and last) visit there.