ok, i am going to try and get a few things done today before today becomes tomorrow and tomorrow becomes thursday and so on and so on until my next trip which if all goes well will be on friday. (is that sentence grammatically correct?) i will start getting things done right after this episode of Law and Order: Criminal Intent (the one with Goren) is over or at the latest after the next episode . . . well, there's is always tomorrow.

my philosophy summed up on a t-shirt in Dotonbori

and on a sticker in Loft.

it's a small world after all

and the dance begins

Maiko-san in Kyoto during the Hanatoro

the photos of the Maiko-san (apprentice geiko/geisha) and chochin (paper lantern) were taken about a month ago in Kyoto. and while thinking about March 2009, i realized it was 20 years ago last month that Steve and i moved to LA in March 1989. my life is almost the same as it was 20 years ago (give or take several pounds) while Steve's life (wife, 2 kids, new job) has changed quite a bit. and while thinking about that i realized it was 11 years ago that i moved into this apartment where i live now. i actually have less now than when i moved to LA or perhaps i really have more.