we finally got around the baking the gingerbread cake that i brought from Trader Joes`s. we didn`t have the right size pan so we decided on using two smaller pans. i am not sure if that goes against any cooking rules but it turned out delicious. we ate it temple with a view of several beautiful cherry blossom trees. a little earlier we washed her car which is always fun. and before that we had a Happy Set-o meal at a nearby McDonald`s. yes, i wanted the Doraemon toys. for dessert we had a Matcha and Oreo McFlurry. mecha mecha oishikatta! and for some reason there were at least 20 employees working, and of course they all were smiling and working hard.

after returning home, i went for a little walk back to that beautiful spot up on the hill and took these photos of some shidarezakura in full bloom and also some fallen petals.

guess what the lock is for

a cherry blossom petal stream

shidare zakura . . . actually two weeping/flowing together

breaktime with a view
so you wanted to stand under a shidarezakura (weeping cherry blossom tree) yesterday but you just couldn`t find one or find the time . . . well, i took the above video just for you.