Daigo in his special yochien (kindergarten) uniform. Misa just being cute as always. i went to Suma this morning and will return to Minoo on tuesday. today was Daigo`s "first day of kindegarten" ceremony. i didn`t get to see the ceremony but he kept his uniform on for me to see when i arrived at his home. Tsutomu-san (Daigo and Misa`s father) picked me up at the subway station just after noon. Akemi (mother) and the kids were waiting at home. more later on the rest of the day, Akashi Park, Uonotana Street and Akashiyaki, curry nabe and of course more photos of the kids and maybe a sakura or two.
Daigo posing for a few more photos for me and his Papa ( for his Tottori relatives).
Daigo and Misa on Uontana Street
Misa and Tony in the car after a long walk to, thru and back around the big park in Akashi. and after walking to and down and back up again the famous shotengai (shopping street). it is amazing how far she can walk and never complains. and most of the time, she and Daigo were holding my hand(s).