one of my favorite (of my favorites)(that i have added to my blog) sakura photos . . . so far. i took this in a little park in Juso.
this morning i saw a segment on a morning tv show which features "human treasures" in local area. today the show featured some of these "human treasures" in Juso which is about 20 minutes away on the Hankyu train line. i found three of them. and had some "chobon" from Takohachi-ya. more on all that another time. here are some imges from today. oh, if you know who won the Sembatsu at Koshien...please don`t tell me as Noriko taped it for me.
swing boy
a cute mailbox, post box
chobon ちょぼん this was very delicious and only 200 yen at Takohachi. this takoyakiya-san was featured on the morning tv show. the owner was given one of the "human treasure" awards.
but not seriously
this little coffee shop was also featured on the tv show i saw this morning. it is called ! Coffee. i wanted to talk to the owner but when i came back later there was about 6 people waiting for coffee. the owner/operator of this very small coffee shop said he will work here for a year and then he and his girlfriend will go to Italy. he will continue to rent this small place while he gone.
soon these two blooms will have more friends