a quiet street in Ikeda
"We love Ikeda" is a slogan i sign at the Ikeda train station. these photos are from my little trip to nearby Ikeda. it is only 180 yen from Minoo station to Ikeda. and then i walked and walked. i took a two hour break for the Jazz Picnic at the Ikeda-jo Park. more tomorrow including the story of my early birthday present from Mr. Toyoda who is a guide at the park. think taketombo.

today`s sakura photo taken just outside the south gate of Ikeda-jo.

today`s saxman at the Ikeda Jazz Picnic

father and daughter enjoying the jazz music on a very sunny and warm saturday. i think the temperature was around 25 (celsious not farenheit).

this is the view from the castle after the concert. you can barely see the stage in the bottom right hand corner. and in the distance . . . the Satsukiyama mountains (or is that redundent since yama means mountain). those white-ish areas are cherry blossom trees in full bloom.

cute couple taking their own photo by keitai (cell phone) outside the south gate (see photo #1).

i don`t know what this flower is but . . . i like it. it was in a greenhouse in Satsukiyama Park.

らん a beautiful ran which is not the past tense for run. a ran is an orchid.

inside out view from the greenhouse

Satsukiyma sakura tunnel

i am getting better at getting that sunlight "star". this is east gate (i think the sun still sets in the west) of the castle park.

Ikeda-jo (castle) and ike (pond) at sunset

today`s sunset. i was sitting on the step of the castle which leads down into one of the main streets in town of Ikeda. that street is called Sakuradori (Sakura Street).
a little sample of today`s Jazz Picnic