Wednesday, December 8, 2010


waxing or waning? waxing crescent, i believe is the correct answer.

my first Christmas card. thank you Nozomi-san.

still blooming

and speaking of petunias . . . Petunia (from yesterday at Christine's)

yes, that's a reindeer in my little garden

tony was at home or he would be posing with these snowmen

i had to look twice as i thought it said $50,000. hmmmm, do i need an old blue van?

ochiba drop

triple sunstar

c a u t i o n: sunstar crossing

yes, these are the same cosmos which i jogged by on monday... and the same ones that ended this morning's jog by causing me to stop and take a photo or two or three as the morning sun highlighted their . . . cosmo-ness.

a few minutes before i stopped for the cosmos, i stopped briefly for this tanpopo.

autumn colors and self-portreet on trash day just as the sun was rising

pre-sunrise sakura and christmas lights

something lead me to something which lead me to this very touching two minutes of televison. the first something was me going thru old photos. that reminded me of this episode of Scrubs but it was not the episode i first began looking for. the one i was looking for and found was one which guest starred Molly Shannon (of SNL) and had an incredibly sad heartwarming ending. maybe someday i will add that one. but, the episode above is the one which caused me to start watching Scrubs. i had never watched Scrubs when it began, and i just didn't get it until i saw this episode. i became a fan because of these two minutes. and i bought and downloaded the song also. thanks Scrubs, youtube, google and iTunes.