Tuesday, December 29, 2009

long distance dedication . . .

before my nap, (and during my nap) and again after my nap i was watching and then re-watching some of the video that Noriko sent me for christmas. the first few hours are a music special. of course, her favorite Kobukuro was on and they sang Stay. but it was Ken Hirai singing one of my favorite (old) songs of his called Love Love Love that caused me to look for the original music video of the song. i found it and will add it one day. however while looking for the Hirai Ken video i found this live version of a classic Carole King / James Taylor song. i dedicate this song to her and her Parents who are going thru a difficult end of the year.

Hirai Ken and Crystal Kay

and speaking of Kobukuro and that FSN 2009 music special . . .