Wednesday, August 6, 2008

still in Philly

easy day in Chester, PA today. i did go to the airport and "picked up" a trip to Dublin for tomorrow (thursday, arriving friday morning and returning saturday afternoon). i do hope to go on a day-trip out of the city somewhere. oh, i had a free lunch (if there is such a thing) at the crew room . . . it is "flight attendant appreciation" month. . . which just happens to coincide with "flight attendants selling sodas, juices, coffee and water on the plane" month.

i had a nice talk with a sweet co-worker friend tonite as we did our laundry. she is truly one of the sweetest people i have ever worked with.

time to get back to the air conditioning. i may walk to Walmart again tomorrow for more. . . cassette tapes. i think my tape player may be semi-broke as i dropped it not once not twice but three times on the train back from Waverly Station to Queen Street on monday night. i was very tired but kept thinking "i won't drop it again". i was trying to tape some of the train's conductor's annoucements including the towns we were "calling at". . . Newmarket, Linlithgow, Falkirk, Croy and Glasgow's Queen Street Station.