after a lazy sunday (except for cleaning the ofuro including the ceiling) and a lazy early afternoon (which included a quick visit to the Grand Opening party of the Go2English school) we visited Noriko`s Father again in the hospital. i wish we could bring him home. soon. after saying "see you soon" we left the hospital and stopped by Lawson for obento for our dinner. (Noriko`s Father always wants us to join him for dinner but...). we drove along Shin-Midosuji to Ryokuchi Park to hear the Osaka Century Orchestra. it was their annual free Family Concert under the stars. tonite`s theme was "hoshi" (stars) and the opening number was Star Wars. one of the highlights was when three people from the audience were chosen to be a "guest conductor" of the orchestra. later, i will try to add the
video of 7 year old Shunsuke as he took the baton.