Monday, January 18, 2010

rain on the outside, sunshine on the inside


i thought of today's title while watching this sunshine-y/warm breeze-y/hibiscus-y music video during the first of my three hours of cardio at the gym this morning. enjoy the warmth of HY. and there are subtitles. i think it was filmed in Okinawa. and yes, i do own a HY cd.

little did i know that the drizzly rain that i walked in this morning on the way to the gym at 730am would turn into a stormy monday. let's just say, i have not been this wet outside in a long time and that includes swimming in the ocean. the wind was blowing so hard that my little umbrella was useless. here is my bus leaving me about 5 minutes from my home. i got soaked again.
almost home

the view from inside the bus on this rainy day monday

my bus stop. usually i am sitting on the bench eating an apple after the gym . . . not today. i was standing against the wall of the 7-11 trying to hide behind my almost useless umbrella as the very cold wind and rain soaked me and my backpack.

the raindrain outside the gym