Thursday, March 5, 2009

katta 買った!!!

tickets purchased on EVA and ANA, now what day to leave?  it always feels good to actually be holding airline tickets (even though i will be flying "standbye") for an upcoming trip. i am still thinking of a Japan Rail Pass but i have another week or so to think about it.  

my last Gaufre, my first hishi yokan (from Hinamatsuri Day).

sunlight splashing, water dancing

somewhere on Sepulveda Blvd, eye just don't get it

somewhere in Culver City, a place to write

somewhere by the beach, dude where's my board?

no, it's not a "cherry blossom" video but i do have a few more to add before my "cherry blossom" trip.  this is Emi Tawata singing "Naturally".  i first heard it last year and loved the feel of the song and her voice.  i heard the song again this morning while listening to another FM802 radio show cassette tape.  i think the video for the song captures a flowing, easy-going an endless summer day... from the 70's.