earlier in the day i did some detective work while watching a couple of episodes of Inspector Morse. although i am pretty sure i have seen all the episodes when i was on my 3-year vacation a few years ago, it is fun seeing many of the places that i saw on my first trip to Oxford a few weeks ago. my detective work consisted of finding out what happened to my gym renewal that i paid for back in March. American Express had no record of a charge. VISA had no record. perhaps it never went through. well, checking my iMac calender, i have an entry for March 4th that says i paid for my renewal at a unbelievable good rate. so, i checked my bank statements and there it was... i used a debit card to pay for it. hopefully, i will get this straightened out soon (obviously i am not in a big hurry since i paid for it on March 4th and it is now Sept. 9th). i also called my cable company about a problem accessing free "on demand" programs. problem solved. all and all a good day ending with a nice mini-concert by Meiko at the Border's bookstore in Hollywood. and on the two bus rides i almost finished Jack Kornfield's book "the art of forgivness, lovingkindness and peace". tomorrow i plan to walk to the beach and go for a little swim. and then continue on the library to turn in some dvds.
and don't forget to set your vcr for the Conon O'Brien show on the 11th to see Meiko.
How Lucky We Are